After the earthquake in L'Aquila the 6th of April 2009, the studio collaborates also with:

Professor Paola Inverardi
Professor Dante Galeota
Professor Fabio Redi
Professor GianLuca Ferrini, geologist and seismologist.
Professor Antonio Moretti, geologist and seismologist.
Prof. Arch. Giacomo Tempesta Strutturista, professore associato in Scienza delle Costruzioni
Arch. Maria Chiara Specchio
Arch. Teresa Ciambellini Laureata in Architettura – Master in 'International planning and sustainable development', Westminster University, London
Engineer Michele Albano, structural engineer.
Professor Andrea Benedetti

Studio Tecnico Inverardi collaborates also with companies who estimate structures made of reinforced concrete.
We thank Heta Rundgren and Lan Wen for contributing to the translation of the website.

© 2010 Studio Tecnico Inverardi